Your Balances

Enter account balances by type of account

List your accounts and their balances. If you have multiple accounts in the following categories, aggregate their balances and enter the total in the appropriate category.

  • After Tax is the balance of your savings that are not deposited in retirement accounts. Include accounts for you and your spouse. For this and other accounts, leave the entry zero if no balance or no account.

  • Your IRA is the account balance of your IRA or 401K.

  • Spouse’s IRA is your spouse’s IRA or 401K balance.

  • Your Roth is your Roth account balance. Hedgematic will schedule rollovers from your IRA as part of tax optimization. There are some rules about transactions in a new Roth account, so go ahead and get one, even if you have no deposits to make yet.

  • Spouse’s Roth is your spouse’s Roth balance.