The Hedgematic Portfolio

The theory behind the Hedgematic Portfolio

Hedgematic includes a collection of interactive tools to help explore the concepts behind the Hedgematic Portfolio. Visiting in order, you are guided from historical background, through creation of a single hedged position, to the complete portfolio with hedged payouts for each year of retirement.

TRCAPE vs. Future S&P Returns

Is past performance any guide to future stock market returns?

TRCAPE and Reinvested S&P Earnings

What does past data suggest about the relationship between TRCAPE and expected future S&P returns?

TRCAPE and S&P Price

What does past data suggest about the relationship between TRCAPE and expected future inflation-adjusted S&P prices?

S&P Earnings Volatility

The stock market offers attractive average and long-term returns. But what about volatility?

US Treasury Inflation Protected Bonds

TIPS (Treasury Inflation Protected Securities) Bonds promise inflation-protected yields, guaranteed by the US government.

Hedge with a TIPS/S&P Mix

For a given maturity, vary the proportion of S&P and TIPS holdings to achieve desired risk/return.

Combine Yearly Instruments

Hedge your retirement with individual yearly hedged portfolios.